
最近在使用PYNQ,Jetson Nano进行一些开发,但是迫于实验室需要外接校园网、使用图形页面登陆所以嵌入式设备无法直接上网。本文给出的解决方案是将嵌入式设备通过以太网连接到个人主机上,然后将以太网桥接到 Wifi,访问因特网。

我分别在Ubuntu20.04Windows10上实践了两方案,核心只有两句话,网线接 lan 口,关了 dhcp。


  1. 能通过无线上网的 Windows 主机、Ubuntu 主机一台
  2. 以太网线一根
  3. 嵌入式开发板一块

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You can find the machine there > Investigator


This is my first time to hack a Android box. Actually , i have no experience in Android development , but this is a beginner Vuln target machine, i say to myself, it’s a great way to learn something new!

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This vuln target have an interesting Description: This VM tells us that there are a couple of lovers namely Alice and Bob, where the couple was originally very romantic, but since Alice worked at a private company, “Ceban Corp”, something has changed from Alice’s attitude towards Bob like something is “hidden”, And Bob asks for your help to get what Alice is hiding and get full access to the company!


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